life-connect Coaching
Procrastination Forever? 3 Tips on How to Get Unstuck
How often do you procrastinate? Everyone knows how annoying procrastination is. Procrastination makes us feel unworthy, and we doubt ourselves.
In this article, you learn a few tips on how to get from feeling stuck back into action.
Procrastination is Fear-Based
Whatever you procrastinate with, be aware that procrastination results from fear. This fear could be a fear of failure, the feeling of not being good enough, or any other fear haunting you. The question is: How long do you want to allow procrastination or fear to rule your life?
We all fear judgments occasionally, and then we usually get stiff and cannot move. Freezing is a natural biological reaction to fear, so it is normal to feel stuck and tense. A famous example of this kind of procrastination is the so-called ‚ writer's block '. The good news is that there is no such block. It is only the fear of getting started to write and let your creativity flow.
In core energy coaching, we talk about catabolic energy levels. These are the levels of energy where stuckness and anxiety rule. A shift of energy helps to get out of feeling stuck and return to action.
Another reaction could be to run away, which is a typical flight response to fear. Doing other tasks or actions is also a common form of procrastination. Replacement actions are my most used procrastination type because doing something gives you the feeling that you have achieved a lot. The benefit of procrastinating by action is that you look busy and productive. However, if you look closer, you know you could be more effective.
3 Easy Ways to Get Back Into Work
1. Start Small
Take your time with the task that scares you. Set up a timer and start at the same time for the least amount of 10 minutes. You can do precisely 10 minutes, or you can also work more than 10 minutes. This short working time sets you in the right action mood for your task. Once you get into action, the fear melts away. The start-small approach sets your mind in action mode. Thus, you turn from flight mode to thinking mode - where working or learning happens.
2. Create Routines
Schedule 10 minutes daily and stick to the new routine for at least ten days. You are more likely to create a new habit by creating easy-to-follow patterns that don't overwhelm you.
Be aware of having fun with routines rather than creating mindless workflows. Awareness is vital to keep your momentum and motivation high in the long run!
3. Centre Yourself
You want to set your mind up for success before you start your daily 10 minutes of work or learning time. First, take a few minutes to breathe or meditate to center yourself. Then, create a positive mood for the exciting work that awaits you. Remember, you have a reason for doing the tasks - this could be a higher goal that drives you to do the job. Centering time can be a good time for journalling about your why and your goals.
Your Unique Goals Motivate to Stop Procrastinating
Revisit your personal and professional goals on a regular base. Tracking goals gives you direction. You get cristal-clear about the purpose of the work or tasks you want to finish. The goals are like the Northern Star, guiding you through scary moments and hard times. But, in the end, you'll be happy to reach your goals, and it was worth pushing through the difficulties and obstacles.
You can set up a vision board for your goals and put it on your wall or computer. It reminds you daily and motivates you to stay on your path.
life-connect Coaching can support your goal-setting and also your goal-getting. Claim your free 45 min discovery call here!
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